Presentation Types
Keynote Lectures
40 minutes plus 5 minutes for the discussion.
Invited Lectures
30 minutes plus 5 minutes for the discussion.
Oral presentations
15 minutes plus 5 minutes for the discussion.
Student and young researcher oral presentations.
There will be a special “young” session organized for students (also PhD students) and young researchers ( up to 33) without PhD degrees. The time for the presentation is the same as for regular oral presentations. The choice on which session work will be presented is on a participant’s side.
Poster presentations
Poster stands are 1 m in width and 1 m in height. The organizers will supply the materials for fixing the posters. The authors are expected to place their poster on a board with a proper number at least 20 minutes before the beginning of the session. The presenting author should be available near the poster during the entire poster session.